Funny Kindergarten Stories

Charlie has officially started Kindergarten. His teachers' name is Mrs.McMannes. He is having an amazing time thus far and constantly comes home wanting to play "school."

Some funny quotes out of his mouth lately has been:
"Mommy, my teacher says I have a lot of questions in my mouth!"
"Kindergarten is a long day!"
"My music teacher is CRAZY"

Funny story about the cafeteria:

One day Charlie mentioned that he was the last one in the cafeteria eating and everyone else was outside and the "people" were cleaning up the lunchroom, but he was still eating. I asked him why he was still eating and he had no clue other than to be pretty oblivious to the whole situation. I asked him if I should pack him a smaller lunch and he say YES! I think, knowing Charlie, that if there was a dessert in his lunch bag, he knew the "rules" to be that he had to eat EVERYTHING else first before he would get the dessert. Even if that meant sitting alone for 25 minutes. Too funny my sweet sweet boy!


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