
Showing posts from 2014

Christmas 2014

We had a nice Christmas this year, but after lots and lots of celebrating all within 24 hours, we have decided that we will have to change up in the future. I was personally exhausted by noon on Christmas Day and our children were on verges of meltdowns all the time...and then the major meltdowns occured upon arrival back to Verona!! But, we did have fun and lots of presents and visiting (not that we got much of a chance to talk to others), and we were relatively healthy, so what more can you ask for?  Thanks to everyone who hosted!! Enjoy some pics!!

Carrie's 2nd Birthday

Carrie had a great 2nd birthday. In fact, it was so wonderful that I want it to become tradition. We picked up the tree the night before and decorated it with BOTH sets of grandparents at our house while Adam and I made supper for everyone. Charlie was intensely focused on Hanging ornaments and Carrie did an alright job as well. Here are a few stats for Carrie Weight: 23.5lbs  height ?? Gross motor She can jump with two feet off the ground, run like a toddler, do a forward somersault, walk backwards, and has started riding a balance bike. She goes slow, but holds it up extremely well.  Fine Motor Carrie loves coloring and holds a crayon well, she feeds herself 100 percent independently, in fact, she refuses to be red at all. She can buckle her booster seat at the dinner table. She threads beads very well. Language Excellent. She constantly puts many words together. Her favorite is "Where'd Dada go?" Or any other person. She puts two ideas together all the time like "...


Some may have heard about the West Bend incident the other day. I have mixed feelings about this, but after is listening to an interesting podcast on This American Life, I discovered another side. To discipline is to learn obey the rules. Adam and I have a strong sense of discipline in our family unit. A lot has come from our parents, no doubt, but a lot has come out of what we sense as "worry" and This American Life also pointed to as worry (a teacher in a very strict school used it). My children, will never understand the worry we have for them until they have children themselves, but everything we discipline on is because we see "messed up" kids all over and we know what happens come age 18 (if not before) and that worry drives us to discipline them to: listen to adults, follow household rules, go to bed when told clean up, listen to your teacher, etc... And the reason why...well, Adam and I did everything "right" so to say (in American values). We gra...

Grand Finale

It does not make sense In terms of dollars and "cents" But in our little fort Our dinner table was just one person short With bills to pay And a minivan on the way We figured the Sayre's  Needed just one more player To the Wanta's, this makes number fifteen Enough to make up a very large team To the Sayre's this makes number five  Enough to make a basketball team jive Whatever the reason, life is too short To dwell on the "how will we make this work?" Because love in our house is growing so strong We could never let this go wrong God put each of us on this earth for a reason He even let my mom birth me in an ungodly season So welcome this little one to add to the tally As on April 29th, 2015, we welcome the..... GRAND FINALE!!

Carrie-22 months

Sleeping:  We finally took the dooty (pacifier) away and she had about 3 periods of sleep where she would cry for about an hour while falling asleep for her "dooty." She even told me, when I asked "why no nap?" And she said "my dooty broken." Ha! Yup. We cut the tip off. Sucka!  She normally goes to bed by 7:30pm ish and sleeps until 7:30am or later. I have to start being vigilant about waking her up earlier because she seems to be fighting the afternoon nap!! I read, in my blog, that apparently Charlie did this as well and we had to adjust the night sleeping to a little less in order for  him to continue napping. I suspect we need to do the same again.  Eating Quite a good eater. Not too picky. Not nearly as picky as Charlie was. No texture issues. Never chokes on anything. Her favorite is definitely yogurt though. Development Many more words and sentences have been added to include: I want that, I did it, Mommy sit, mommy hat, Charlie shoe, etc.... She f...

A New Perspective

I have a really great church here in Verona. I have a great church band that I get to play with. Recently, I read this book called "To Heaven and Back" by Mary Neal. Some accounts of the book are a little hard to believe (like could she actually perform c sections at age 15), but the spiritual aspects of this book and her journey really touched me. This year, lots of health complications have occured within our family. My brother Russ which I already posted on and my mother have all been challenges. Death has been close for my brother, closer than he wanted as he said afterward. My brother Russ is a devout Christian. Despite his crazy political views at times, he is a man of strong heart (really after a triple bypass). Many of my friends have also, recently, lost sibilings close to  them through cancer or various other challenges. I am sad for them. I was sad for Russ. I am sad for my brother Dan who everyday battles the horrors of MS. This life in which we live, is not easy....

Love my kids

Have I ever mentioned that I love my kids and think they are the best? Well, I do! 

Fine Motor

Beautiful boy of mine. You are a wonderful 4.5 yrs old. But, boy do we struggle with writing and coloring. All your colors are scribbles and writing your name is a mess. Here is a picture. Notice how Carrie holds her marker and how Charlie holds his. 

Carrie-20 month update

Height:? Weight: about 21 lbs or a little over Carrie has grown so much as of lately. She is quite the darling little lady. Sleeping: great! Every night from 7:45 until 7:45am or so. Very rarely does she wake up in the middle of the night. If she does, she has pooped herself. She takes one nap from 1pm until about 3:30 or so each day.  Eating: excellent eater. Eats almost everything we put in front of her. We do not do snacks, except at 7pm before bed, so her meals are saved by this.  Language: just mediocre. She has about 20-30 words but definitely not 2 put together yet. She is trying though. Best words are cheese, mama, dada, Charlie, more, up, shoe, thank you, bye bye, hi, hello, yes, Apple. Comprehension: where she lacks in verbalizing, she excels in comprehending. She follows multiple step directions such as go get socks from your room, find shoes and bring them to mommy. She knows all her body parts as well. She sings basic songs and follows hand movements and actions w...

Carrie's favorite thing

My girl adores coloring and playing with Mr.Potato head. As a comparison, Charlie has never enjoyed either of these activities.

Fun summer picture


Nicki is 33!!!

Had a great dinner with Russ and Laurie and then went back to the in laws for cake. Charlie bought me an inflatable super heros hammer. But my hubby got me a French press. Love my little family. 

Some us time

We decided to get some patio furniture lately. So each night we go and sit and talk while enjoying a beverage (some nights). And look how amazing our flowers are!! I am working on that green thumb. 

Science Time

As you know, I tend to spend a lot of time on music. Sometimes we need to develop the other side of the brain too!!! Learning about density while adding liquid to shaving cream and watching the food colors rain down. The Seventeenth Radish has been heaven sent for me. As much time as I devout to childhood music, I definitely miss other important areas!!!

The Magic of Vacations

We did a small 4 day 4 night vacation to Munising, Michigan in the U.P. I always hesitate to travel with small children because I have these nightmares of what they are going to be like. But, none of this occurred (at least this time around!). The kids slept great, we slept great, they had lots of fun exploring waterfalls, playing on the beach, going on a boat ride, and just being away from home. And, we as adults got to experience a few Happy Hours as well! Although, I must admit that both kids were in bed by 7:30pm on the night we returned and slept for almost 13 hours. They were so tired. Adam regularly says that sometimes we need to just get away from our home and city so we are not tempted to "go to meetings" or do other things that would be deemed as work. True enough. I am not certain another vacation is in the works for the summer, but maybe a little get away come the fall....and maybe a quick trip to Noah's Ark or some waterpark that Charlie has been beggin...

UP Michigan Vacation

Munising Falls As Good as it Gets. Thanks Charlie.  Parade At Miner's Castle Hiking back up Miner's Castle Passed out on way home...but not on the way up!!! What 18 mo old stays awake for a 6 hour car ride? Of course, he never sleeps! Sunset with Grandma and Charlie on the Dock.  Uncle Pat's 4th of July Suspenders.  Pontoon Booze Cruize.. Yup, wearing hats and mittens. And that is a Pak and Play (best idea ever!)