We decided to get some patio furniture lately. So each night we go and sit and talk while enjoying a beverage (some nights). And look how amazing our flowers are!! I am working on that green thumb.
I am reading this great book by Shane Claiborne called "The Irresistible Revolution." The author is a Christian, but he is the type of Christian that Jesus was, not the type of Christian that we perceive ourselves to be. When he tries to live like Jesus, he really does. He is ALL about ending poverty in this nation, about feeding people, making wealth more "communal" (oh man would the Republicans HATE that!), and living like Jesus did. I certainly do not live like Jesus. I rarely communicate with the poor, the low in life's, the sick and diseased. I am not proud of myself for that. This book puts a new spin on Christianity and while most of our "churches" attest to following Jesus, it is certainly hard for them to "follow" Jesus on a 3-4 million dollar/year budget. Just saying... With that said, he has an AMAZING quote on pro-life. I "am" pro-life, but I have always stated that I am pro-life in every sense of the word. Anti-war, p...
My first born is officially four! I can hardly believe it! What an amazing journey it has been and I thought I would share a few things about him. Height: 40.5" (54 percentile) Weight: 33 lbs (20th percentile) BMI: below the 7th percentile. So he is tall-ish and skinny...a good way to be!! Eating: He eats a fairly healthy diet. He obviously strongly desires desserts at all time. He will get through dinner, just so a dessert can occur! Ha. I think he has my sweet tooth. Right now he is in love with cashews, raisins, granola bars, and broccoli. And desserts! He often makes dinner a seemingly long battle, in which he is the only one left at the table. I am sure we will work through this behavior as well. Sleeping: No more naps, but takes 1 1/2 hours of quiet time in the basement playing by himself. He then sleeps from about 8pm until 8am. Just recently, he has been going all night without a wet diaper. So, we are officially night trained as well. It is kinda cute how he...
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