Carrie's 2nd Birthday

Carrie had a great 2nd birthday. In fact, it was so wonderful that I want it to become tradition. We picked up the tree the night before and decorated it with BOTH sets of grandparents at our house while Adam and I made supper for everyone. Charlie was intensely focused on Hanging ornaments and Carrie did an alright job as well.

Here are a few stats for Carrie
Weight: 23.5lbs 
height ??

Gross motor
She can jump with two feet off the ground, run like a toddler, do a forward somersault, walk backwards, and has started riding a balance bike. She goes slow, but holds it up extremely well. 

Fine Motor
Carrie loves coloring and holds a crayon well, she feeds herself 100 percent independently, in fact, she refuses to be red at all. She can buckle her booster seat at the dinner table. She threads beads very well.

Excellent. She constantly puts many words together. Her favorite is "Where'd Dada go?" Or any other person. She puts two ideas together all the time like "momma's shoe" etc... no problems in the language area, but I do think she talks way more around us than other people.

Excellent. 11 hours at night and a 1-2 hour afternoon nap. Sometimes she chooses to forgo a nap, but she seems mostly pleasant despite. She only does this once a week. 

She was really great for a long time, but has begun to be a bit pickier. Oh well, we will work through this just like everything else.

Favorite toys: puzzles, cars, books

Carolyn has an easy temperament and is so enjoyable to be around.She is a daddy's girl and constantly in love with him. Mommy is minced meat when daddy is home. I think Adam soaks it up!! she is a cuddler. Enjoy the pics below!


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