Charlie-29 months old

Our little boy is growing up so much! I just love his cute little face!

Here are some developments as of lately:

--Likes to go "pee pee" in the potty when candy is involved (or rewarded). Is not nearly consistent in this area, but this is probably more a parenting issue than child. We just like the "flexibility" of diapers! ha!

--Loves to read books! Often ends our sentences on familiar books or sings the majority of the musical books.

--Excellent at puzzles. Enjoys them and puts them together on his own. Just the simple wooden ones so far.

--Can sing his alphabet song when in the mood and do it correctly.

--Loves to "pull the weeds" all the time (weird!).

--Putting together many many words to make a whole variety of sentences.

--Asks questions of "where'd he/she go?"

--Put together a whole family--today he said "Go bowling with Auntie Jeannie, Uncle Greg, Raelee, Emma, Dan and Maggie?"--I was shocked. That is a large family to put together. This is the only family he has "together" as they are the family we spend the most amount of time with.

--Has now entered a very whiny stage of his life (blah...). Often whines about what he wants or doesn't want. When he does this, he gets removed from Mommy and Daddy and put in his room until he is "happy." He is generally "happy" sometime in the next 10 minutes or so.

--Loves to dance Polkas with Grandpa Wanta!

--Loves to learn. He is not very "athletic"-he doesn't seem to want to play any sports right now. Although he has a fair amount of energy, he tends to use the brain to think and reason and put together stuff more than his body at the moment. I am perfectly happy with this! I can read books for hours :)

--Very good eater most of the time. Loves to pick yellow tomatoes from the garden and eat them outside!

--No longer snacks. He hasn't had any snacks (albeit one at 7:30pm before he goes to bed with milk)...(or when grandma or papa give him one...) for well over a month now. He never asks for them around me, he never complains about it, and best of all, he has become a better eater at lunch/dinner because of it. Trust me, he is NOT deprived in any way, shape, or form. In fact, I find him eating healthier all around.

--Plays by himself for a decent amount of time in another room (the basement, upstairs). Most often this occurs when I am preparing dinner. Sometimes he helps cook, other times he leaves me be to prepare our food.

--LOVES the variety of teenage babysitters he gets to "play with." I am pretty sure he thinks they are just his friends. But loves Maggie, Raelee, Emma, Tess, and the piano Megan's who all take turns playing with him. I love that he has a great connection to these young ladies :):)  And that they like him too!

I will post an updated picture of him as soon as we load a new photo program into our new laptop computer!

We love you Charles Steven Sayre and know that you will be a kind, loving, and wonderful big brother to your sibiling. You have a kind heart, a wonderful smile, and we are so happy that we were blessed to be your parents. We love seeing you grow and become "who you are" each day! We wouldn't change a thing!


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