Goals for Charlie
The past few months I have noticed that Charlie is rather lazy at times. Not in regard to his energy level (he has tons of that), but in regard to "doing" things that he can definitely do himself without the help of mommy or daddy. I realize that a lot of this comes from me being a stay-at-home mom: I cater to him sometimes too much.
I have begun to set up little "goals" for Charlie to achieve on his own. Basically, these are "goals" for mommy and daddy to know so that we don't counteract these things at different times.
For May Charlie had to:
-Walk up and down the stairs 100% of the time without the help of Mommy or Daddy.
-Take off his socks on his own 100% of the time and his shoes 50% of the time.
How did he do:
While he "cried" for us to carry him up or whined at us, we held strong. He still occasionally does this, but he still must go up and down by himself. I don't care whether he walks on two feet or slides on his butt, just as long as I am not holding his hand. He has done well mastering this.
He ALWAYS takes off his socks (and pants) by himself. This is good. He is getting better at his shoes but struggles on how to grip from the heel and pull. We will still work on it. Day by day.
For June Charlie must:
-Take off his shoes 75% of the time.
-Play independently for 5-10 minutes (starting there) at least 2 times a day WITHOUT needing interaction with Mommy or Daddy.
I have noticed that when we are home Charlie CONSTANTLY needs my attention. It is even worse when we have people over and are talking with them. He then throws toys or acts naughty in order to get my attention (to which he gets a punishment...thus attention is received).
This is very "teacher" of me, isn't it?
I think you need a second child to fill up your idle hands!! I can positively say none of my kids ever had specific goals and they have all learned to walk up and down the stairs and take off their shoes! :) Haha! We'll see how it goes with Carson as I don't plan to provide him with a sibling by the age of two which will be new in this house.