Charlie-2 years old (24 months)

We now have a 2 year old on our hands! How adventurous. It is as if on the day after he turned "2" he figured out that he should be terrible! Funny little boy. Little does he know that his parents have more tricks up their sleeves to combat this behavior, than he has poor behavior.
26 lbs 3oz-naked (25%-ile)
35" (60%-ile)

All I can say is "THANK GOD" that I sleep trained my baby at 4 1/2 months old! I can't begin to say how worth it is to get a full nights sleep on a regular basis. It changes everything. My demeanor, Charlie's demeanor, Daddy's demeanor. And...this awesome trend of sleeping has continued all the way through his 2nd year. And the funny thing is, the "sleep training" only took 1 night of "letting him cry" for about 10 minutes. That's it! Then...Bliss! Besides about 11 hours at night, he also sleeps between 2-3 hours for one nap!

I know the next major "sleep hurdle" is coming our way. Transitioning to a big boy bed. The reason we haven't done this yet: he doesn't climb out of his crib. He climbs many other things in our house, but his crib is is safe haven. He LOVES to got there and sleep. I know we have to do it soon.....

I know his crumby eating is normal. He is gaining weight and is perfectly healthy, but of course, it bothers me. Somedays he eats well, other days he does not. He is picky, like a normal toddler. Here are a few things I can guarantee he will eat (most days):
-peanut butter
-whole wheat bread
-mac and cheese
-pasta with red sauce
-Cheerios or Kix
-sweet potatoes (mashed and creamy)
-cottage cheese
-French Fries (lovely, eh)
-cookies (duh!)
-cake (double duh!)
-raisins and craisins
-milk and water
-black beans
-sometimes corn
Lovely list, eh?

Real fun to cook around here. I still make everything like normal and offer it to him. He is getting slightly better with blueberries. But, as you may have noticed, fruits and veggies are the things missing the most from this list. Again, we will keep on truckin' and tryin'. Someday he will eat them. I will bribe him with money when he is 12 if he hasn't learned to love the good foods in life yet :)

His language is coming along quite nicely now. He has many single words and has started to put two together. Mostly in the form of "bye bye daddy!" and "all clean or all done." But, that count's right? He often times reads books to us as in we read a sentence but leave a word out and he says the missing word (we have obviously read these books a million times).

He runs quite well and can now sit on a big wheel or push toy and push along forward with his feet well. He will even pick his feet up and "coast" down little hills and then cry to make us push him back up (fat chance kiddo!). He climbs on playgrounds well and just needs a little "support" so he doesn't take a tumble off.

He is obsessed with water right now. He loves drains, throwing rocks down sewers (or worms), playing in the sink, or his water table, etc...He points out water everytime he sees it. He is also in love with bubbles and can use the wand and blow the bubbles quite well.

Charlie knows most of what we ask him to do. Sometimes he follows the direction, other times he does not. He is good about cleaning up before bed and naps by singing the song "clean up clean up everybody everywhere..." (you remember this don't you?).

He can take off his pants and his socks without any problem. We have to help him with his shirt and shoes still (still working on the shoes...argh!). He knows to throw his clothes down the laundry shoot and does this every night.

While I love the concept of Love and Logic, I am going to save some of those for when Charlie gets a bit older. In the meantime, I am reading a book called 1,2,3 Magic and applying some of the tactics from there. The tactics are nothing more than what our parents have probably been doing for most of their lives. In a summary, this is how it goes:
Charlies throws tantrum on floor about something he did not get.
I say "that's 1" in a calm voice
Charlie continues in this manner.
I say, "that's 2" in a calm voice
The crying and tantrum continues
I say, "that's 3, time out" in a calm voice and put him in his spot for 2 minutes.

The idea is that eventually, the behavior stops at "that's 1 or that's 2." All I say if he throws a toy now is "that's 1" and I put the toy up high where he can't have it. If this behavior continues with another toy or another poor behavior, the next number comes. Etc.

I'll let you know what success I have, or don't have, with this. His behaviors keep me on my toes, but I don't like all out "yelling" at him because too much of that and it falls on deaf ears. I also don't want to "spank" him at this point. Although, I will admit there may be a time in the future where I need to use this. I also like the point in the book where "yelling and hitting" is seen to the kid as an adult tantrum. That is certainly not my goal.

We have a wonderful little boy full of smiles and delight! He is a joy to be around and we love you very much Mr.C!!


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