Flying, Flying, and More Flying...

Ah! We are back from our vacation in Oregon. We had a great time and I will post more about that later. But, before I dive into that, here is the "fun" flying stories..

Departure from Milwaukee:
Arrive at airport with well-rested happy child at 1pm. I am promptly told by Frontier that my flight to Denver has been delayed by 6 hours and that I will miss my connecting flight to Portland. I tell gate agent that this will not work for me and my 18 month old son. I don't know how to kill 6 hours in an airport, can you say CRANKY!! An hour later, she gets me on ANOTHER airline (United) where we fly to Chicago, then Chicago to Portland. We go through TSA, which, in my case is ENTIRELY unhelpful. I have a stroller, a wiggly kids and two carry-ons, you would think someone (because there are about 25 of them) could assist me. But no, while trying to take my shoes off, balance a child, fold up a stroller to put through the xray machine, I whack my child in the head with the bar of the stroller (as I was folding it). At this point, Charlie is crying, I am crying, and we are only an hour and a half into this experience. If I would be been sick (or pregnant, which I am not), I would have had right mind to have hung up the trip then and there. Finally, both  flights are on-time and rather uneventful. O'Hare is an insanely busy airport, as you all know, so letting Charlie run around for 2 hour lay-over was nearly impossible. Needless to say, squirmy wormy, squirmed all over me for 3 of the 4 hour flight (but he didn't scream or cry much). I just about bought the man a drink next to me when Charlie kicked his Jack n' Coke over (luckily it was almost empty). Charlie fell asleep for the last hour of the flight....FINALLY and I could enjoy a sip of soda. We decided to stay in Portland that night, great choice, instead of heading to the ocean.

Return back to Milwaukee:
Arrive at airport with a slightly less well-rested child to find out that AGAIN our flight has been delayed by 6 hours! WTF!!?? My husband has a few words (polite, but strong-willed) and the ticketing agent gets us on the earlier flight (in 15 minutes!). So we hurry through TSA (yeah, right!) in which Adam says to me "I can see  why going through TSA by yourself with a baby can be stressful!" Luckily, they held the plane for a whole bunch of us. We got to Denver, had to wait for 3-4 hours, were delayed by an hour, and finally got home at 7pm! Ah! And, you would think, like most normal kids that Charlie would sleep during some or ANY of this...NOPE! Not a wink. We got him to "sit still" by allowing him to play with the IPAD (specifically Angry Birds!).

I am sure this is NOTHING in regard to "worst" airline experiences, but it ranks on ours, mainly because we have a child. Had this happened and I had been "childless" I would have enjoyed a few drinks in the local watering hole of the airport.



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