Charlie is 18 Months Old

Charlie had his 18 month check up today. Here are a few stats as to where he is at:

Weight: 23 lbs 10 oz (50th percentile)-he has been steady at 50% his whole life.
Height: 33 1/2" (85th percentile)-again, steady through his whole life

Still a fantastic sleeper, except when he is sick, then he is dreadful. Our Dr. said don't be afraid to give 1/2 tsp Benadryl with the nose is a running and he just won't sleep. Luckily, our kid is one who reacts "normally" to benadryl and falls asleep. There are those out there who go bonkers.

He takes one nap a day from about 12:30 until 3/3:30 depending on his mood. He never fights us to go to sleep. In fact, while playing, he often says, "night night" and walks towards the stairs. Sometimes we have to say "not yet" as it is only 6pm and NOT time to sleep.

Definitely ranks on the "pickier" side of eating. Some of his favorites are strawberries, peaches (but has to be a fresh one and he wants to eat it from the core), my Texas Caviar, quesadillas, Tacos, bananas, yogurt, whole grain bread with strawberry jelly, veggie straws, sometimes cheese, guacamole, and of course he LOVES milk, cookies, graham crackers, and Papa's favorite...Cheez-it's.  

You can see what is missing off this list: veggies. We will keep working at it and in the mean time, I am sneaking them into a variety of stuff.

Words, words, words, phrases, and more words. That is my Charlie. I think this is a "Wanta" trait. He has begun talking up a storm. Our secure words are: tree, car, go, bubble, baby, please, daddy, papa, Elmo, color, kitty, doggy, night night, all done, bye bye, hi, cookie, cheese, more. Our two word phrases are: "That's cool!" (I didn't know where he got this from, until I noticed myself pointing to something and saying "Isn't that cool?!", " Thank You" (with the sign), " "How About" (when he is deciding which book to read), "One More."

The Dr.said his two word phrases are very advanced for his age. We are thankful for that. I am sure where he does well with language, he will lag behind in another area.

Physical Development: seems to be normal in this area. He is suppose to be running. He doesn't "run" in the sense that we as adults run. More like a really fast shuffle. I am sure he will pick this up at some point as well.
He is beginning to climb more and beginning to get into more things.

Time to start a new category. Ah, the dreaded "B" word. So this week the "behavior battle" I chose to wage was the diaper changing time. Every time we changed his diaper, he would twist, turn, cry, get away. I was very frustrated and ended up yelling at him 6 times a day for this. I wasn't having this anymore. My stress level was high from this and so I read a book and started thinking at this problem. Number one. Only Adam and I were having this problem. NOT the sitter or anyone else who watches him. Hmmmm...I found the source, parental behavior. "Accidental Parenting" it may be called. I decided I (we) needed to change our behavior to see if we could get Charlie to change his.

Method: As soon as Charlie starts to turn, twist, cry, etc...I simply say "How Sad" and I immediately leave the room and close the door. About a minute late, I go back in and repeat. If he does it again, I say "How sad" and leave again. The first time I did this, I spent about 20 minutes (probably 10 times or so) going back and forth. The next time I did it, I spent about 5 minutes (probably 2-3 times). My husband did the exact same as I did (we are a team after all). Whenever we go back into the room, we don't reprimand him, yell, or show him that we are in the least bit frustrated. We just go about our task. The following day, I didn't have to do it at all. I laid him down, changed the diaper, and picked him up. Task done, behavior appropriate. Phew! Every now and again, he needs a bit of a reminder, and I do this method again. It only takes one time and when I come back in the room, he is sitting on the floor with the diaper in his hand looking at me with a smile.

I am following the "Love and Logic" book for tips on parenting.

Charlie is doing great overall. He is such a bright and happy little boy. He makes our lives feel so full. I love every moment with him and seeing him grow and develop so well.


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