To say that Charlie had a successful 1st grade year would be an understatement. He thrived this year. And mostly due to these two very very special ladies. They are everything that I have ever hoped for as teachers for my kids. They are dedicated, differentiate to all levels, very very knowledgeable in content areas, have fantastic classroom management, and they love their students. You know how I can tell (and this may sound silly), but they cry! Whenever they start to talk about their students, they start to cry telling about the successes. This is love, right!? We generally don't cry about people/situations we don't know or don't care about. So I know these ladies love their job.
And the best news?! This is a multi-age class, so Charlie gets these 2 amazing ladies again next year! Yes!!!! Having amazing teachers CAN make a difference in everyday life!
Side story--Charlie got another stomach virus and missed the last day of school. Guess who showed up at our house to give him his report card and a hug and his final guessed it, these special ladies. They even make house calls. Going above and beyond their call of duty, always.
Posing with Mrs. Snow (mostly Math) |
Posing with Mrs. Herb (mostly Reading) |
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