The Grande Finale

On April 18th, I began feeling contractions that were a bit stronger than previous. Not really strong enough to go in for, however. After eating dinner and putting the kids to bed, I laid down on the couch to relax. At 9pm my water broke after feeling a slight "pop" in my belly. I wasn't 100 percent certain that this was my water, but I was positive for GBS so I knew I needed to get it checked out. I drove myself to Meriter (yes, this is me...) as I wasn't really having strong contractions yet. In fact, I counted just 3 light ones on the drive down. They checked me in triage and of course my water had broken and they hooked me up for the IV antibiotic that I needed. Adam arrived at about midnight or so, Barb and Cliff generously came in to sleep at our house so they could take the kids to West Bend the following day. By the time Adam arrived, I was having contractions every 2-3 minutes and they were strong and getting stronger. I labored in the tub, tried walking a bit, but they were getting harder and harder. The midwife checked me at about 2:30 am or so and I was at 7cm. I thought I am never gonna get through this (very common labor feeling) so she gave me a little something to take the edge off called Numorphan. This saved my life. I could breathe well, relax and focus. It did not take any of the pain away, but it took my nerves away. Basically it felt like I was given 3 glasses of wine. I was loopy. But I was in control. I was in so much control that my pushing was effective. So effective that I didn't tear. I am thrilled. Our little boy, arrived at 3:31am on April 19th , 2015 and we are in love. We had a hard time picking out a name because I think we were so convinced it was a girl...but alas after searching on the Internet, we came out with Colin Adam Sayre. All of our kids have C names. 

I recovered well in the hospital and was raring to get out and back to life. I felt great for a few days and my bleeding was minimal, but come Thursday and Friday, it started to pick up again and I was experiencing large blood clots. This is not normal, for me at least. I knew it, I just had to convince others of it. So on Monday, 8 days after, I went to the midwife for a check, the said no this is not normal and sent me to an ultrasound. An ultrasound was inconclusive, but definitely abnormal that I either had a lot of clots in my uterus OR a partially retained placenta or tissue. Needless to say, I went to the ER and waited and waited and waited until the OBGYN on call performed a D and C on me. I have had a D and C before for a miscarriage. They really are painless and quick procedures. The only bummer was being away from Colin for a night, Luckily, I was able to pump a bit and through a friend with extra milk, we came up with enough food to feed the little guy. He had no issue with a bottle. 

Now, less than 24 hours after D and C, I feel like a new person. My bleeding has returned to minimal, my energy is back up (I was really feeling lethargic with that much blood loss, etc...) and I am thrilled. 

So, to sum up: A hard pregnancy, an easy labor and delivery, and a challenging recovery. But, we completed our little family. I have always loved odd numbers, they fit me best. I am a bit of an odd duck and I "hang" with other "odd" peeps (who I love!!!) as well. So we are 5, complete, and perfect. Colin is a great end to what I call my reproductive years and I am thrilled to move onto a new phase of life. But first, I have some major newborn cuddling to do!!!!

Love you all!!


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