Charlie 3 year old update

29 lbs
37 1/2"

Overall, he is a smart, healthy, happy child. He can do his numbers quite well (from rote) and is beginning to identify letters when he sees them. He certainly does not know all 26, but a fair amount. He is also learning the sounds they make.

He is fully potty trained during the day. He has occasional accidents, but nothing out of the ordinary. These accidents happened most often when he is playing intensely and forgets.

He can follow simple tasks and do simple chores such as put your shoes away, put clothes away, etc...not that he always does these.

He sleeps a good 12 hours at night. Never wakes. His naps are variable at this point. He sometimes takes a good nap 1 or 2 days a week. Other than that, I can just hear him "playing" up there. This doesn't bother me all that much as long as I get my time away from him, however, these lack of naps severely affect his disposition by about the 3rd day of no sleeping. He is quite obnoxious at this point.

He is a great eater. His favorite is broccoli. He loves it! Of course, he loves his desserts as well. I have no concerns about his eating at this point.

Very whiney right now. About everything. It drives me nuts. I am just continually sending him away until he stops his whining. He also is very defiant of what we want. Everyday seems to opposite day for Charlie. Here is an example:
Mom/Dad "We are going to Menards"--Charlie "No I wanna go to Home Depot"
Mom/Dad "Wanna get ice cream?" Charlie "Yeah" Mom/dad: "Let's go to Culver's" Charlie "No I don't wanna go"

Also very clingy now. Not sure if this has something to do with Adam no longer living with us in West Bend. We go somewhere new and Charlie continually says "I wanna go home now" and wimpers.

On a positive side, he laughs a lot, likes to do word associations, he is nice to his sister (ignores her), can name a whole variety of stores as we drive by them, he always wants to pray before meals, he waits to start eating until we are all at the table, he loves music, he can work our CD player like a pro, he loves playing outside (if winter would ever end here).

He is a cute and adorable child and we love him to death. Despite his obnoxious behavior!


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