Carolyn-2 months

Carrie is now up to 9 lbs 13oz and 22" long. She is 50th percentile for height and 15th for weight.

She has, just like her brother, exhibited a dairy intolerance. Her poops for the last few weeks have been consistently green and mucousy. She even had blood one day, but we are not sure if that was from an anal fissure or the dairy. Needless to say, since it is my choice to breastfeed, I am giving up all dairy again. It is way less traumatic this time around and truthfully, other than sweets, it does not bother me at all. I drink coconut milk, use that as my creamer in coffee, have found dairy free chocolate chips, and have made dairy free cookies for myself. All set!! I am starting to see the poops return to their normal color of yellow.

She goes to bed now around 9 pm and sleeps until 9am with a feeding around 1-2ish and 4-5ish. Not too bad..but someday hoping to take out that 1-2am feeding. She drinks a 6oz bottle of expresses breastmilk before she goes down at 9.

Her demeanor is still calm, with lots of smiles and even attempts to coo and goo. I love it!!! She loves being held during the day and her naps are mostly in the car seat, the baby bjorn, or on the couch all snuggled by me. Someday, this too will have to change, but I am loving the newborn of her and do not want this time to pass to quickly. I know what she will become....a toddler!! ah!!!

We love you baby Carrie! You are such a blessing!!


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