Charlie-20 months old

Hard to believe that my child is now closer to 2 than he is to 1. What an amazing journey parenthood has been thus far. I have lots to learn, but am grateful everyday for the gift of being his Mommy. I love him more and more each day, and someday, when the good Lord is willing, would love to parent another.

Here are his stats for 20 months:

Weight: 24lbs (says my scale at home)
Height: 35 1/2" (he is ALMOST 3 feet tall!)

He is, without a doubt, a fantastic sleeper. We have worked very hard on this since he was about 5 months old and have never regretted a moment. A weekday looks like this:
      Bedtime: 7:30-45pm and sleep straight through until 6:40 (when we wake him up!) Naptime from 12:30 until about 3ish (little more little less)

      Bedtime: 8:00-8:15 and sleep straight through until 7:30 or 8:00am. Naptime from 1 until 3:30ish.

He has even gotten rid of the pacifier on his own. We cut the tip off about a month back or so. It was cute because he looked at it and studied it and tried to figure out what was wrong with it. Well, after about a month of studying, he said "screw it" and threw the pacifier out of the crib. They are all in the garbage now, never to be seen again. He didn't cry about it, he didn't fuss, he didn't ask for it back. I think he has totally forgotten about it.

Where he is a brilliant sleeper, he is a crappy eater. He continually will not even put dinner in his mouth, and if he does, he spits it back out. I can only guarantee about 10 foods that he will eat without a fight, but I am not serving those everyday of the week.

Here is my new plan (and any advice is encouraged...):
He now has moved to the big people table in a booster seat. He gets a bit of everything that we are eating on his plate. He feeds himself (of course, I can help if he needs it). If he chooses to not eat it by the time we (adults) are done eating, then he is done. No fighting him to eat it, no negative words, food goes in fridge, he can go hungry or finish his dinner later in the evening. No snacks, no cookies, etc....

Plan B: If his appetite or behavior does not improve, then I am taking snacks out from the day as well. Hopefully we don't need to get there.

Charlie has begun to run and climb a lot more these last two months. It is fun to see. He can climb up a ladder (to a slide) all by himself with me hovering around the butt to make sure he doesn't fall.

Charlie has also begun to sing. He sings "baa baa black sheep," "twinkle twinkle" (same melody, different words), " Elmo's world" quite regularly. It is very cute. I wish I could capture it on video. His words aren't completely "clear" to understand, but you can hear the melody clearly and infer which words are getting smudged together still.

He is doing fine with his language. He asks me questions all the time in another language I can't understand. He will have 3 or 4 sentences about something and all I can do is nod my head and agree with him, since I don't understand the words he is using. For all I know he could be asking: "Mommy, can I have cookies for dinner for the rest of my life?" and I just agreed to it. Ha!

Charlie also loves doing simple crafts such as coloring, gluing , and drawing. He is starting to get into puzzles, but still needs a lot of assistance from me. He is a bit obsessed with Elmo. He continually calls out for Elmo (everytime he walks in front of the TV).

We rarely have behavior issues (at the moment). Our biggest challenge is dinner time, so we will continue to fight that one. If behavior becomes a challenge, Adam and I have a consistent method that we use to nip it in the bud. It has been awhile since a full out tantrum. Let's hope it stays that way.

Other things:
We regularly go to the Family Center of Washington County for playtime, crafts, and singing. He loves this. We are also involved with a "Kiddie Kinectics" class through the YMCA. He learns colors and works on learning body parts and somersaults, parachutes, balancing beams, etc... He loves this as well.

I absolutely LOVE being a parent, Adam does as well. We have been truly blessed by this little angel in our lives. Keep growing, and being the wonderful son you are Charlie!!


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