Texas Caviar

I got the recipe from a co-worker. It is absolutely fabulous. And what makes it even more fabulous....I GOT CHARLIE TO EAT IT! Yes!! Here is a picture of the finished product:

 And just to prove that Charlie actually ate it (and did not spit it out), here is proof. The reason I am so excited is because I cannot get Charlie to even try corn or beans. But, in this "dip" he will eat it all. Including the onions and avocado. Yeah! I probably shouldn't get so excited, tomorrow he probably won't touch it.
Here is the recipe. Enjoy!

1 can black beans drained
1 can mexican corn drained
1 pkg. Italian Dry dressing
1 small red onion chopped
3-5 gr.onions chopped
2 avocados
1/2 C. Olive Oil
1/4 C. White Vinegar

We use crackers or chips to dip with. Adam says it is so good that he can eat it plain!


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