The Governor has just extended the "Safer at Home" initiative until May 26th. So basically we are quarantined until then. The cases have basically flat lined in Wisconsin, but... So here, we go. We have good days and bad days. Most days are good. The kids are doing a very good job with all their academics. I seem to be keeping up with my work and Adam is getting his work done (still at work mostly) as well. Mentally...that's another story. Charlie is having a really hard time with all this. Obviously, he hasn't been anywhere other than the house and occasional car rides to nowhere and hiking for the last 4 weeks. He is heartbroken, sad, and a whole bunch of other emotions. He cries. A lot. My heart breaks for him too. Carrie is doing great. She seems to get adapt real quickly to change. She is a happy-go-lucky kid without a worry in her life. Colin is doing fine as well. He is SUPER when I am teaching him, he gets everything I teach the 1st time wh...