End 2014. Time to begin again.
Facebook has this most annoying setting ever, a bunch of pictures set to music to tell you "what a great year 2014" has been. Well, sorry facebook, but not in this girls life nor a few others I know. 2014 started out with my best friend Ann's brother passing away of Leukemia. He was young, and almost done with Medical school and newly married. He had so much to look forward to. And cancer took him too early. And on June 28th, I received heartbreaking news that my brother Russ had a heart attack and that most of his arteries were full of plague. Bypass surgery was imminent. During the course of the surgery, he had a stroke. This affected parts of his speech and left arm and hand movements. It was so scary. His wife, Laurie help heal him back to a wonderful life! I think this left everyone shaking in their boots. We all new that all 6 of us couldn't be immune to Dad's lovely genetics. Then I got pregnant. Good news, yes? Well, yes...but not when you feel as though ...