Charlie-4 years old
My first born is officially four! I can hardly believe it! What an amazing journey it has been and I thought I would share a few things about him. Height: 40.5" (54 percentile) Weight: 33 lbs (20th percentile) BMI: below the 7th percentile. So he is tall-ish and skinny...a good way to be!! Eating: He eats a fairly healthy diet. He obviously strongly desires desserts at all time. He will get through dinner, just so a dessert can occur! Ha. I think he has my sweet tooth. Right now he is in love with cashews, raisins, granola bars, and broccoli. And desserts! He often makes dinner a seemingly long battle, in which he is the only one left at the table. I am sure we will work through this behavior as well. Sleeping: No more naps, but takes 1 1/2 hours of quiet time in the basement playing by himself. He then sleeps from about 8pm until 8am. Just recently, he has been going all night without a wet diaper. So, we are officially night trained as well. It is kinda cute how he...