I chose to be a stay at home mom because I could not stand the idea that another person or people would raise the children that I had. I also did not want my kids getting sick as much, or the worst part.....the mommy guilt. At first, I was unsure of this decision. I missed teaching greatly, everyday. I missed a paycheck. I missed talking with other adults. I sometimes feel that SAHM, even though we chose to do this, are punished for this. It is hard for us to get back in the work field, we end up with significantly less pay than those who chose to work, and quite possibly our retirement is pushed even farther back as we have to meet the minimum number of allotted years in a profession to retire. I also believe that people help out working parents more than non working moms. The idea of "well, she is at home, she does not need a break or night off" is the overall feeling I receive. When, in fact, I would believe it to be the opposite. When I did work the first year of C...