
Showing posts from April, 2013

Sleeping Better....

.....Not to jinx ourselves, but the past three nights Carrie has slept from 10 (when I sneak into nurse her) until 5 or 6am. She is about 4 and 1/2 months old. For me to sleep 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep feels amazing. I do not anticipate this to happen every night, but will take it when I can get it. However, for Charlie, he began to consistently sleep through the night at age 4.5 months as well. Can I be so lucky with child number 2. We have always put good sleep practices in place. She sleeps in her own crib, by herself, swaddled, we let her fuss a few minutes before responding and we make sure she takes good naps during the day. We did this with Charlie as well....he has always been an excellent sleeper for us. Call me crazy, but I firmly believe in the importance of sleep for everyone in the family.

A dream day away....

....I can dream can't I? I went for a walk the other day. I ran into a neighbor and she said her daughter just had her second child. I congratulated her and she proceeded to say, oh yeah, she is gone for the day, she just wanted a day off. A day off? What is that? I have never heard of such thing. i am pounded by work with the kids when my husband is gone and when he comes home I have merely half the amount of work. But a day off? I cannot fathom. The last day I had off was when I went to San Francisco with Ann for a weekend last March-ish. But if I could dream, and a dream it truly is, this is what I would do on my day "off." Sleep until just 8 because who has time to waste when for a bit I can be me? Take a shower, shave my legs, do my hair, make up, and put on clothes that are nice and possibly even make me look like I am 31 instead of 51. I would then eat breakfast and in an ideal world where nursing mothers could "eat whatever they want" like every bo...

Carrie-4 months

Stats: Weight 12 lbs 4 oz (12th percentile) Height 24.5" (50th percentile) She is a happy, smiley, laughing baby girl. Her zantac has completely helped her disposition and helped her to sleep much better as well. Enjoy some pics!

Charlie 3 year old update

Stats: 29 lbs 37 1/2" Development: Overall, he is a smart, healthy, happy child. He can do his numbers quite well (from rote) and is beginning to identify letters when he sees them. He certainly does not know all 26, but a fair amount. He is also learning the sounds they make. He is fully potty trained during the day. He has occasional accidents, but nothing out of the ordinary. These accidents happened most often when he is playing intensely and forgets. He can follow simple tasks and do simple chores such as put your shoes away, put clothes away, etc...not that he always does these. Sleeping He sleeps a good 12 hours at night. Never wakes. His naps are variable at this point. He sometimes takes a good nap 1 or 2 days a week. Other than that, I can just hear him "playing" up there. This doesn't bother me all that much as long as I get my time away from him, however, these lack of naps severely affect his disposition by about the 3rd day of no sleeping. He...

Oh My God! I have a 3 year old!

I am writing this post fully aware of the fact that in 349 days I will have a 4 year old and the "terrible three's" will be over! Ha! With that said, Charlie did have a wonderful celebration of a 3rd birthday. He regularly said "I'm gonna be three" even as his birthday happened and afterwards. He still cannot get the correct verb tense of "I am three" down. Eh, oh well. Maybe not the sharpest crayon in the box! We had a family "party" on Friday (his actual birthday) with cake. And a "kid" celebration on Saturday with some of our friends. Both were fun and a success. Enjoy some pictures!