The weather was gorgeous here this weekend. What wasn't so gorgeous was Charlie's little "illness" that he contracted over the weekend. I knew something was up when he woke up from his nap on Saturday and didn't want to get out of his crib. He just stayed and cuddled with me. It was very sweet, and I loved it guessed it, he puked ALL over me and the blankets. I quickly called for Adam and he rushed in and got him into the bathroom. That was all there was to it. Two hours later, he was playing and asking for food. We fed him, he didn't puke anymore. The next day, Mother's day, he was a little "off" but mainly because he didn't sleep the best that night. For Mother's Day this year, Adam and Charlie got me a BEAUTIFUL hanging basket with flowers, a few homemade items, and my Chaco sandals (pictures to come soon!). It was a fine Mother's Day despite the illness around the house, that Adam and I are awaiting to get ours...