
Showing posts from January, 2022

Return to Normal-Urgency

 Variants and variants and variants, oh my!  I have worked throughout this pandemic, some virtual, some in-person--ALL with masks. I'm tired and concerned. I am concerned about the kids--you can use the word resilient all you want, but, kids should not have to be resilient. They should be able to be kids.  Here is what I am seeing in the schools: masked kids trying to read each other's emotions, most never talking anymore, many worried beyond belief about covid (which hardly makes them sick whether vaxxed or not vaxxed), addicted to electronics, losing SOCIAL SKILLS.  The social skills are the MOST IMPORTANT this that I see right now.  I don't doubt that we eventually can attempt to make up content (math, reading, SOME students)-we will. Many won't. Our marginalized kids will never. BUT, the kids are socially a FULL year behind in maturity. It's concerning.  So, what I fail to understand or see is this: we have known since day 1 that covid was of v...

Badger GAMES!

One of the few things that get me through these awful winters in Wisconsin is BADGER GAMES!!!  As of this moment, they are playing extremely well and I am optimistic for March :)  

We all got COVID!

 Despite our best efforts, including wearing KN95s and everyone fully vaxxed and boosted, we all got covid. Adam started with it first-he felt a scratchy throat and came home from work. He developed a fever the next day and then got tested. Of course positive.  Colin and Carrie came home from school with a slight fever and sore throat on Friday-and they got tested (and I took Charlie and myself as well). So, the two kids with symptoms turn out NEGATIVE and the one kid without symptoms was positive. Go figure.  Well, I got Carrie and Charlie retested and they were both positive Colin I did an at-home and he was positive as well.  As for me.....I thought I was out of the woods, until, almost 9 days later when I finally came down with a sore throat.  Sadly, we had to cancel our Vegas trip.  Overall experience: not bad at all. Adam and I and the kids were all able to remain very functional throughout all of it....but it did take a while for my body to kick the ...