
Showing posts from February, 2015

Charlie and OT

This last month, Charlie has been Having a little extra help in his fine motor area of life. He can now successfully zip his coat independently and we are close to writing his name clearly. Oh so close. Below is a picture of Daddy,who came in to talk to 4 year olds about city planning, and they had to draw a picture of him. I looked at Charlie's on the wall and it was all scribbles. I was disappointed, so when we got home we had a second attempt and it went much better. Still needed to poke and prode him, but alas we drew a person and talked about detail!!!

Fine Motoring

Charlie has been patiently and progressively working on his fine motor skills. Look at the picture on the window. He drew that and I could not have been prouder. He is such a hard working and sweet boy. Mom is uber proud!!