Height:? Weight: about 21 lbs or a little over Carrie has grown so much as of lately. She is quite the darling little lady. Sleeping: great! Every night from 7:45 until 7:45am or so. Very rarely does she wake up in the middle of the night. If she does, she has pooped herself. She takes one nap from 1pm until about 3:30 or so each day. Eating: excellent eater. Eats almost everything we put in front of her. We do not do snacks, except at 7pm before bed, so her meals are saved by this. Language: just mediocre. She has about 20-30 words but definitely not 2 put together yet. She is trying though. Best words are cheese, mama, dada, Charlie, more, up, shoe, thank you, bye bye, hi, hello, yes, Apple. Comprehension: where she lacks in verbalizing, she excels in comprehending. She follows multiple step directions such as go get socks from your room, find shoes and bring them to mommy. She knows all her body parts as well. She sings basic songs and follows hand movements and actions w...