We are now 2 weeks into our new house. We have been super busy trying tomget everything set up and what not. How are we doing...? Great. I think Charlie had about 3 days of crappy behavior before he started shaping up again. He loves the next door neighbor kids who are going to be in 4th grade, 3rd grade and Kindergarten next year. He continually asks where is Kendall, Jocelyn, and Cora. Pretty cute. Today the kids did slip and slide down the big hill between our yards. The older kids are very friendly and considerate to the 3 year old. Charlie also loves the new library. It has a castle inside of it! Pretty cool! He also loves going to Target! Ha! We 'think' we have found a new church. I am all about music, obviously, so we checked out this Lutheran Church about 5-10 mins away. The music was AWESOME. And it so happens that the neighbor on the other side of us is the pastor there. Charlie and I have gone twice and Charlie is enthralled. The preaching is great as well. It has...